The latest version of DotDotPwn v3.0.1 released. DotDotPwn is a flexible intelligent fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities...
[Xortool] A tool to analyze multi-byte xor cipher
A tool to do some xor analysis: guess the key length (based on count of equal chars) guess the key (base on knowledge of most frequent cha...
[RemoteDLLInjector] Command-line Tool to Inject DLL into Remote Process
Remote DLL Injector is the free command-line tool to Inject DLL into remote process. Currently it supports DLL injection using the CreateRem...
[MASTIFF2HTML] Static Analysis Framework Results Viewer
MASTIFF2HTML is a python program that is used to create a GUI results interface in HTML from MASTIFF results. Download the python program at...
[Netsparker Community Edition v2.5.2.0] Released!
Netsparker Community Edition is a SQL Injection Scanner . It’s a free edition of our web vulnerability scanner for the community so you can...
[ARPwner] ARP and DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
ARPwner is a tool to do ARP poisoning and DNS poisoning attacks, with a simple GUI and a plugin system to do filtering of the information ...
[ADHD v.0.4.1] Active Defense Harbinger Distribution
The Active Defense Harbinger Distribution (ADHD) is a Linux distro based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. It comes with many tools aimed at active def...
[Hwk] Wireless Exploitation Tool
Hwk is an easy-to-use wireless authentication and deauthentication tool. Furthermore, it also supports probe response fuzzing, beacon injec...
[Web-Sorrow] Tool for Misconfiguration, Version Detection, Enumeration, and Server Information Scanning
Web-Sorrow is a perl based tool for misconfiguration, version detection, enumeration, and server information scanning. It's entirely fo...