OWASP iOSForensic is a python tool to help in forensics analysis on iOS. It get files, logs, extract sqlite3 databases and uncompress .plis...

OWASP iOSForensic is a python tool to help in forensics analysis on iOS. It get files, logs, extract sqlite3 databases and uncompress .plis...
Disk tools and data capture Name From Description DumpIt MoonSols Generates physical memory dump of Windows machines, 32 bits 64 bit. Can r...
OS X Auditor parses and hashes the following artifacts on the running system or a copy of a system you want to analyze: the kernel extension...
NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows (but also works in Linux / Mac OS X / FreeBSD). NetworkMiner can be used...
NetSleuth identifies and fingerprints network devices by silent network monitoring or by processing data from PCAP files. NetSleuth is an op...
NetSleuth identifies and fingerprints network devices by silent network monitoring or by processing data from PCAP files. NetSleuth i...