CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is an Italian GNU/Linux live distribution created as a project of Digital Forensics. Curr...

CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is an Italian GNU/Linux live distribution created as a project of Digital Forensics. Curr...
Mobius Forensic Toolkit is a forensic framework written in Python/GTK that manages cases and case items, providing an abstract interface f...
NyarL it's Nyarlathotep, a mitological chaotic deity of the writer HP. Lovecraft's cosmogony. It's represent Crawling Chaos and ...
ADQUISICIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE LA MEMORIA Set de utilidades que permite la adquisición de la memoria ram para posteriormente hacer un análisis ...
Lynis is a security tool to audit and harden Unix and Linux based systems. It scans the system by performing many security control checks, ...
DEFT es una reputada distribución que recopila herramientas de análisis forense y que alcanza ya su versión 8. No se enfoca únicamente al ...
The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python under the GNU General Public License, for the extra...
NyarL it's Nyarlathotep, a mitological chaotic deity of the writer HP. Lovecraft's cosmogony. It's represent Crawling Chaos and ...
NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows (but also works in Linux / Mac OS X / FreeBSD). NetworkMiner can be used...
BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu Desktop, and designed for performing penetration testing, incident response, computer fore...
BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu Desktop, and designed for performing penetration testing, incident response, computer f...
DEFT 7.2 released its last 32bit release but we will support bugfix until 2020. DEFT is a new concept of Computer Forensic live system th...
DEFT 7.2 released its last 32bit release but we will support bugfix until 2020. DEFT is a new concept of Computer Forensic live system...