Ghost Phisher is a computer security application that comes inbuilt with a Fake DNS Server, Fake DHCP Server, Fake HTTP server and also ha...
[Hook Analyser v2.4] Application (and Malware) Analysis tool
Application (and Malware) Analysis tool. Hook Analyser is a hook tool which could be potentially helpful in reversing application and analy...
[Patator] Brute-Force Attack And Dns Reverse And Forward Lookup
Patator is developed by Sebastien Macke. In this video I will show you how to use Patator for a Brute-Force Attack and DNS Forward and rev...
[Weevely] PHP Stealth Tiny Web Shell
Weevely is a stealth PHP web shell that provides a telnet-like console. It is an essential tool for web application post exploitation, and...
[Snort] Network Intrusion Detection System
Snort is a free and open source network intrusion prevention system (NIPS) and network intrusion detection system (NIDS) . Snort having t...
[OSForensics V2.0] Digital investigation Tool
OSForensics updated to version 2.0. OSForensics allows you to identify suspicious files and activity with hash matching, drive signature co...
Nmap para Android
NMAP (Network Mapper o Mapeador de Redes) es una herramienta para scannear puertos abiertos. Se diseño para explorar grandes redes, aunqu...
[DotDotPwn v3.0.1] The Directory Traversal Fuzzer
The latest version of DotDotPwn v3.0.1 released. DotDotPwn is a flexible intelligent fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities...
[Xortool] A tool to analyze multi-byte xor cipher
A tool to do some xor analysis: guess the key length (based on count of equal chars) guess the key (base on knowledge of most frequent cha...