CommView for WiFi is a powerful wireless network monitor and analyzer for 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac networks. Loaded with many user-friendly feat...
[XSS Cheat Sheet] Bypassing Modern Web Application Firewall XSS Filters
While we doing web application penetration testing for our clients, we may some time have to face the Web application Firewall that blocks ...
[Hasere v0.2] Discover vHosts using Google and Bing
Hasere is a tool that can discovery the virtual hosts and related filetype using google and bing search engines. Optionally, it uses the n...
[Cryptocat] Chat Client with encrypted conversations on iPhone and Android
Cryptocat is an experimental browser-based chat client for easy to use, encrypted conversations. It aims to make encrypted, private chat eas...
[Harald scan] Bluetooth discovery scanning
Harald Scan is able to determine Major and Minor device class of device, as well as attempt to resolve the device's MAC address to the ...
[IP-reputation-snort-rule-generator] A tool to generate Snort rules based on public IP reputation data
A tool to generate Snort rules or Cisco IDS signatures based on public IP/domain reputation data. Usage ./ [ [--file=LOCAL_FILE] | [...
[Sahi] Web Test Automation Tool
Sahi Pro is a powerful tool for automation of web application testing. Sahi Pro helps test web applications across different browsers with ...
[THC-Hydra 7.5] Fast Parallel Network Logon Cracker
Hydra is a parallelized network logon cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack, new modules are easy to add, beside that, it is ...
[Blue|Smash] Bluetooth Penetration Testing Suite
Blue|Smash is a free open source bluetooth pentest suite, powered by python for linux. I built Blue|Smash to aid me in my bluetooth advent...