GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on `inside' another program while it executes - or what another program w...
[Capstone] Ultimate Disassembly Framework
Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework. Our target is to make Capstone the ultimate disassembly...
[Beast-Check] SSL/TLS BEAST Vulnerability Check
A small perl script that checks a target server whether it is prone to BEAST vulnerability via target preferred cipher. It assumes no work...
[Watcher] passive Web-security scanner
Watcher is a runtime passive-analysis tool for HTTP-based Web applications. Being passive means it won't damage production systems, i...
[flunym0us] Vulnerability Scanner for Wordpress and Moodle
Flunym0us is a Vulnerability Scanner for Wordpress and Moodle designed by Flu Project Team. Flunym0us has been developed in Python. Flunym0...
[RHEL 7] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Beta
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Beta showcases hundreds of new features and enhancements, including: Linux Containers - Enabling applications...
[Twitter Password Dump] Command-line Tool to Recover Twitter Password from Web Browsers
Twitter Password Dump is the command-line tool to instantly recover your lost Twitter password from all the popular web browsers. Currentl...
[RemotePasswordWiFi] Script in Ruby, for search passwords WiFi of remote routers
Script in Ruby, for search passwords WiFi of remote routers. Support Routers: *] Thomson *] Thechnicolor in next days: *] bee *] ...
[WinDbg v6.12.2.633] Debugging Tools for Windows
WinDbg is a graphical debugger from Microsoft. It is actually just one component of the Debugging Tools for Windows package, which also incl...