OutlookAttachView scans all messages stored in your Outlook, and displays the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily sele...
[ParameterFuzz v1.8] Parameter´s auditor for web applications
ParameterFuzz is a tool to check the level of fortification in web applications, try to cover the field more exploited by hackers, as the ...
[WAF-FLE v0.6.3] Web application firewall: fast log and event console
WAF-FLE is a OpenSource Console for ModSecurity, it allow the modsec admin to view and search events sent by mlogc (modsecurity event log...
[FacebookPasswordDump v2.0] Command-line Tool to Recover Facebook Password from Browsers and Messengers
Facebook Password Dump is the command-line tool to instantly recover your lost Facebook password from popular web browsers and messengers....
[DVIA] Damn Vulnerable iOS Application
Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) is an iOS application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to provide a platform to mobile security ...
[WebCacheImageInfo] Displays the software/camera model of images stored in the cache of your Web browser
WebCacheImageInfo is a simple tool that searches for JPEG images with EXIF information stored inside the cache of your Web browser (Interne...
[Havij 1.17] Automated and Advanced SQL Injection
Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page. It...
[GoLismero v2.0] Merge results of security tools (OpenVas, Wfuzz, SQLMap, DNS recon, robot analyzer...)
GoLismero is an Open Source security tools that can run their own security tests and manage a lot of well known security tools (OpenVas, Wfu...
[FGscanner] Find hidden contents using dictionary-like attack
FGscanner is a completely rewritten version of littlescanner script. FGscanner is an opensource advanced web directory scanner to find hi...