WiFiPasswordDecryptor is easy to use with its simple GUI interface.
Here are the brief usage details |
- Launch WiFiPasswordDecryptor on your system
- Next click on 'Start
Recovery' button and all stored WiFi account passwords will be recovered & displayed as shown in screenshot 1
- You can right click on any of the displayed account to quickly copy the password
- Also can generated detailed password recovery report in HTML/XML/Text
format by clicking on 'Export' button and then select the type
of file from the drop down box of 'Save File Dialog'.
Note that you need to have administrative privileges to run this tool. |
This tool can recover the WiFi Passwords configured by Windows
Wirelss Configuration Manager only. Also it does not work on older
operating systems like Windows XP, 2003.It works well with Vista &
all the higher versions. |
Here are the screenshots of
WiFiPasswordDecryptor |
Screenshot 1: WiFi Password Decryptor showing
all the Recovered WiFi account Passwords. |
Screenshot 2: Detailed HTML report of all the recovered WiFi account Passwords |
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