jSQL is free, open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris).
Version 0.2 features:
- GET, POST, header, cookie methods
- normal, error based, blind, time based algorithms
- automatic best algorithm selection
- thread control (start/pause/resume/stop)
- expose URL calls
- simple evasion
- data retrieving progression bar
- proxy setting
- supports MySQL
Next release v0.3 will include:
+ distant file reading [sqli]
+ webshell deposit [sqli]
+ terminal to run webshell commands [gui]
+ configuration backup [gui]
+ Updates checking [gui]
+ user interface tweaks [gui]
+ distant file reading [sqli]
+ webshell deposit [sqli]
+ terminal to run webshell commands [gui]
+ configuration backup [gui]
+ Updates checking [gui]
+ user interface tweaks [gui]
Next work:
+ distant table writing [sqli]
+ distant file writing [sqli]
+ reverse tcp shell deposit [sqli]
+ right elevation [sqli]
+ speed increase (non encoding pass): 50% faster [sqli]
+ control all running tasks in a tab [gui]
# speed test comparison with other injection tools [dev]
# automatic code testing (JUnit) [dev]
# wiki pages [site]
+ distant table writing [sqli]
+ distant file writing [sqli]
+ reverse tcp shell deposit [sqli]
+ right elevation [sqli]
+ speed increase (non encoding pass): 50% faster [sqli]
+ control all running tasks in a tab [gui]
# speed test comparison with other injection tools [dev]
# automatic code testing (JUnit) [dev]
# wiki pages [site]