Android Network Toolkit also known as zANTI is the most comprehensive and refined pentest tool for android by Zimperium. Zimperium is founded by white hat hacker Itzhack ‘Zuk’ Avraham and also have Kevin Mitnick on there team! They also had recently held the Pentester’s WorldCup.
zAnti still comes with a token type credit system that allows you to access the more advanced features, but you can still see the power of zAnti with the free version. They also maintain a zScore system of points.
When you login into zANTI, it maps your entire network. When I selected my PC to sniff out of the list, it showed all websites being visited and also there cookies. Definitely ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache poisoning was going on here.
A quick look at my PCs client’s ARP Table showed that zAnti was successful at MITM attack! Also it switched its MAC address for the client gateway. This effectively put the phone in between my router and the wired PC Client so it could sniff out all the network traffic!
It also has a Nmap menu where you can run several levels of Nmap based scanning to attempt to detect OS version and service identification.
These various pentest options include:
- Network Map
- Port Discovery
- Packet Manipulation
- Sniffer
- MITM (Man in the Middle filters)
- DoS (Pentest DoS vulnerabilities)
- Password Complexity Audit
- Penetrate CSE to check server/desktop vulnerabilty
The tool is really refined and we did some major penetration testing (also can detect Java vulnerability) with it and didn’t find any bugs in it even with a low specs Samsung Galaxy Y(Will soon test it on the Nexus 7)! This tool is clearly the best ROOT tool for android hackers.
Get zANTI : (Root needed; Android 2.1+) Also private beta testing is going to begin for the apps iOS version!