Router Post-Exploitation Framework Currently, the framework includes a number of firmware image modules: 'Verified' - This module ...

Router Post-Exploitation Framework Currently, the framework includes a number of firmware image modules: 'Verified' - This module ...
USBPcap is an open-source USB sniffer for Windows. USB Packet capture for Windows Tour Download USBPcap
CeWL is a ruby app which spiders a given url to a specified depth, optionally following external links, and returns a list of words which ...
John the Ripper is a free password cracking software tool. Initially developed for the Unix operating system, it now runs on fifteen differ...
PuttyRider injects a DLL into a running putty.exe process in order to sniff all communication and inject Linux commands on the remote server...
Windows Password Kracker is a free software to recover the lost or forgotten Windows password. It can quickly recover the original windo...
Snort is the most powerful IPS in the world, setting the standard for intrusion detection. So when we started thinking about what the next g...
Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is an open source network stress testing and denial-of-service attack application, written in C#. LOIC was initi...
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA . On top of the capabilities you expect from ...
This tool finds undocumented and secret commands implemented in a smartcard. An instruction is divided into Class (CLA), Instruction-Number ...
AutoScan-Network is a network scanner (discovering and managing application). No configuration is required to scan your network . The ...
A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services. See feature sets and services coverage page - incl. a speed compa...
zANTI is a mobile penetration testing toolkit that lets security managers assess the risk level of a network with the push of a button. Th...
The Samurai project team is happy to announce the release of a development version of the Samurai Web Testing Framework. Th...
The software is designed for recovering passwords to hashes, and it features the following: Supports over 330 hashing algorithms. Contains o...
This is a mini-firewall that completely isolates a target device from the local network. This is for allowing infected machines Internet acc...