This is a command-line tool that scans for open NETBIOS nameservers on a local or remote TCP/IP network, and this is a first step in finding...

This is a command-line tool that scans for open NETBIOS nameservers on a local or remote TCP/IP network, and this is a first step in finding...
dnscrypt-proxy provides local service which can be used directly as your local resolver or as a DNS forwarder, encrypting and authenticatin...
FolderChangesView is a simple tool that monitors the folder or disk drive that you choose and lists every filename that is being modified, ...
VirusTotal Scanner is the desktop tool to quickly perform Anti-virus scan using is a free online scan service...
While performing a Pen test for a client i needed to catch a domain user name and password, there are several ways to gain users passwords ...
Pompem is an open source tool, which is designed to automate the search for exploits in major databases. Developed in Python, has a system o...
CrowdInspect is a free professional grade tool for Microsoft Windows systems from CrowdStrike aimed to help alert you to the presence of ma...
What is SEES? Most of the companies nowadays have their firewalls, threat monitoring and prevention security appliances setup. With these me...
iOS Reverse Engineering Toolkit o iRet es un conjunto de herramientas que ayudan al auditor de seguridad a llevar a cabo tareas comunes de...
Generate and test domain typos and variations to detect and perform typo squatting, URL hijacking, phishing, and corporate espionage. Usage...
Nagios XI is a system and network monitoring application. It watches hosts and services that you specify, alerting you when things go bad...
DNSQuerySniffer is a network sniffer utility that shows the DNS queries sent on your system. For every DNS query, the following information ...
MITMer is a man-in-the-middle and phishing attack tool that steals the victim’s credentials of some web services like Facebook. Dependencies...
cpuminer is a multi-threaded, highly optimized CPU miner for Litecoin, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Currently supported algorithms ar...
E-mail Spoofer is a tool designed for penetration testers who need to send phishing e-mails. It allows to send mails to a single recipient...
Junkware Removal Tool is a security utility that searches for and removes common adware, toolbars, and potentially unwanted programs (PUP...
AdwCleaner is a free removal tool for : Adware (ads softwares) PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program) Toolbars Hijacker (Hijack of the b...
After watching a video in a Web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the...
Argus is a fixed-model Real Time Flow Monitor designed to track and report on the status and performance of all network transactions seen in...
SearchMyFiles is an alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows. It allows you to easily search ...
peepdf is a Python tool to explore PDF files in order to find out if the file can be harmful or not. The aim of this tool is to provide ...
PingInfoView is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one table. It...
ODA stands for Online DisAssembler. ODA is a general purpose machine code disassembler that supports a myriad of machine architectures. Bui...
NetBScanner is a network scanner tool that scans all computers in the IP addresses range you choose, using NetBIOS protocol. For every comp...
Nsdtool is a toolset of scripts used to detect netgear switches in local networks. The tool contains some extra features like bruteforce and...
MultiMonitorTool is a small tool that allows you to do some actions related to working with multiple monitors. With MultiMonitorTool, you c...
Ipdecap can decapsulate traffic encapsulated within GRE, IPIP, 6in4, ESP (ipsec) protocols, and can also remove IEEE 802.1Q (virtual lan) ...
SSLsplit is a tool for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL/TLS encrypted network connections. Connections are transparently intercepte...
OpenedFilesView displays the list of all opened files on your system. For each opened file, additional information is displayed: handle valu...
DNmap is a distributed nmap framwork using a client/server architecture. The server reads the commands from a file and send them to each cl...
WiFi Password Remover is the Free software to quickly recover and remove Wireless account passwords stored on your system. For each recover...
Script para comprobar si una dirección de e-mail existe o es falsa. Admite listas de correo. Mi idea es extraer el dominio a partir del corr...
CountryTraceRoute is a Traceroute utility, similar to the tracert tool of Windows, but with graphical user interface, and it's also muc...
A traditional password audit typically involves extracting password hashes from systems and then sending those hashes to a third-party secu...
Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix/Linux. It performs a security scan and determines the hardening state of the machine. Any detected secu...
ProcessThreadsView is a small utility that displays extensive information about all threads of the process that you choose. The threads info...
Skipfish is an active web application security reconnaissance tool. It prepares an interactive sitemap for the targeted site by carrying ...
DeviceIOView allows you to watch the data transfer between a software or service and a device driver (DeviceIoControl calls). For each call ...
SkypeLogView reads the log files created by Skype application, and displays the details of incoming/outgoing calls, chat messages, and file...
wig is a Python tool that identifies a websites CMS by searching for fingerprints of static files and extracting version numbers from know...
This utility allows you to easily turn on one or more computers remotely by sending Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packet to the remote computers. When ...